Mr. Negroponte said his experience in giving children laptop computers in rural Cambodia had convinced him that low-cost machines would make a fundamental difference when broadly deployed.
Despite its proximity to the capital, this is rural Cambodia and very beautiful.
These traditions remain in practice in rural Cambodia, but they have become weakened in urban areas.
His life, from the time he was a baby, a bag of bones in his mother's rucksack on a forced march through rural Cambodia, has been profoundly disorienting.
In rural Cambodia, traditional pottery methods remained.
One after another, his father, mother, sisters and nephews died of starvation or exhaustion, as they were held in a remote labor camp in rural Cambodia.
The nuclear family, in rural Cambodia, typically lives in a rectangular house that may vary in size from four by six meters to six by ten meters.
According to Wood, these are more appropriate solutions for education in the dense forests of Vietnam or rural Cambodia.
In rural Cambodia, the strongest ties a Khmer may develop-besides those to the nuclear family and to close friends-are those to other members of the local community.
The future for girls,in particular, without an education in rural Cambodia is, as you will read, one of the worst futures in the world.