People don't realize how rural Florida really is.
Amenities include two short hiking trails and park employees that bring 1930s rural Florida to life with period clothing and stories.
But the town was eerie even for rural Florida in the small hours of the morning.
Seven years ago, she moved with the three youngest of her four children to rural Florida.
But at the real heart of the clamor, he said, were traditional political rivalries: rural northern Florida against the urban south, conservatives versus liberals.
He lives on a tree farm in rural Florida with his wife and one of his two daughters.
They continued south over rural Florida.
For the summers he would travel down to rural Florida to stay with his grandmother, who he called "Bigmama".
That same year, she and her husband Charles were divorced; living in rural Florida did not appeal to him.
It is one of only a few Antebellum church buildings which have survived in rural Florida.