But in the opinion of this liberal un-pundit from rural Maine, the problem runs much deeper.
A 25-year-old senior from rural Maine majoring in computer science, he has been on the dean's list every semester since his enrollment in 1987.
For example, he said, whites in rural northern Maine may have worse heart problems than blacks in big cities.
The scene is intended to portray a location in rural Maine.
In rural Maine this time of year, asking "Get your deer yet?"
Although city-based, he spent increasing amounts of time in rural Maine.
Williams became "identified in later years with rural Maine because so many of his stories were set there".
Williams is perhaps most famous for creating the fictional town of Fraternity, located in rural Maine.
Editing a weekly newspaper in rural Maine should be a breeze.
"Doctor Zay," originally published in 1882, is a love story with rural Maine as its background.