Individuals and groups may seek support to help deliver the Government's strategic objectives in rural Scotland.
The poem gives a vivid depiction of domestic life in rural Scotland during the late medieval era.
Forestry is an important form of land use and source of employment in many parts of rural Scotland.
Of more concern is the sharp rise in motoring costs, which must impact particularly severely on rural Scotland.
This was rural Scotland.
Others argue that it was purely economic and social factors which led to the population decline in rural Scotland.
It is commonly used in rural Scotland to describe a wide valley, even by non-Gaelic speakers.
The agricultural depression in the 1870s led to a huge demographic shift in the population with mass migration from rural Scotland to urban Scotland.
But the family itself remained in stubborn, splendid isolation in rural Scotland.
Imagine a knitwear factory in rural Scotland where time has stood still since 1921.