You've seen Stonehenge in countless photographs, so is it worth the drive out to rural Wiltshire to see it in person?
Glen was brought up in a small family horticultural business in rural Wiltshire.
However much to his surprise, he is suddenly made rector of a wealthy, long standing and beautiful parish in the heart of rural Wiltshire.
She lives in rural Wiltshire, England.
Britain's ancient history comes to life around the fields, plateaus and plains of rural Wiltshire.
Traffic in rural Wiltshire is never up to Piccadilly standards at the best of times, but even so it was having an off-day.
She grew up in rural Wiltshire, in a house called Midways Hall.
This sounds like a life of upper-class ease, but it changed in 1936 when they moved to rural Wiltshire.
I knew nothing of such freedom growing up in rural Wiltshire.
I grew up in rural Wiltshire.