In particular, it was thought he could shore up the National Party's vote in its conservative rural heartland.
But as television spreads into India's rural heartland, and as channels fight more fiercely for viewers, questions of taste are likely to come up again.
Weeks later they made their way to second-tier cities and to suburbs and finally into the rural heartland.
Out here in the remote rural heartland, "reform" is not a popular word.
Until this year, he was an office clerk in Vukovar, a prosperous town in the rural heartland of Croatia.
Endorsed by the state party leadership, Mr. Casey is running strong in much of the socially conservative, rural and industrial heartland.
Parts of the poor rural heartland and the West Coast have developed into strongholds of crystal meth use.
Their core constituency is in the conservative rural heartland.
The novel shows the influence of industrialism on the rural heartland of America.
Hiring an obedient 8-year-old, fresh from India's rural heartland, is a simple matter.