During the 5th and 6th century, the gap between town and the rural milieu widened, with the former falling much in decay.
Sify rated the movie 4 out of 5 and stated that "Kalavani is a knockout entertainer set in a rural milieu."
The 1980s generated several major novels that develop a main theme over decades, are centered on a strong-central character person and are built around rural milieu or a local community of a not too distant past.
Ravi portrayed a rich, happy-go-lucky NRI from London, who has to live and fight for his love in dire conditions in a rural milieu.
October 16, 1995: The project Inforoutes en milieu rural (Internet in rural areas) was accepted by the interministerial committee among 685 proposals.
But a writer who is thoroughly immersed in the rural milieu of the Dakotas, where nearly everyone is related, faces a particularly difficult form of self-censorship.
Besides, it is not always easy to apply laws in a rural milieu where girls are still restricted compared to boys.
However birch bark and palm leaf continue to be used even today on a limited scale in a rural milieu for the use of horoscopes, wedding invitations and other cultural uses.
He has a large group of students many of whom were derived from rural milieus and trained for performing in his operas.
Its founders were leading Halychyna (Galicia) aristocrats, and among its early settlers were Germans Jews, coming to inhabit a predominantly Ukrainian rural milieu.