Wi-Fi in densely populated urban areas like New York is far more costly than in the uncluttered rural plains.
Equally impressive is the look and feel of the overall production, whether the scene is set on a lonely rural plain or a bustling London street.
The events in the book are based on summers Seredy spent with her father on the rural plains while he studied peasant life.
Most of the population lives in a small central area; the city limits include rural plains, mountainous areas, and suburban sprawl along the Route 8 by-pass.
Some of the same signs of despair and breakdown that wore out aging American industrial cities in the 1960's have come to the rural plains.
It is situated in a rural plain, north of the river Pineios.
Early morning flights that take off just after sunrise are a popular attraction over the low-lying rural plains of the Wairarapa region.
Due to reapportionment and population shifts, Senate District 35, which used to be located in the urban Denver area, was relocated to the rural eastern plains.
It is located on a rural plain, flanked and buttressed alongside the main building of the manor.
Factories as Asnières is a modern landscape depicting industrial growth as it takes over rural plains, a phenomenon called by some "banlieue" or "vague terrain".