At the same time, many rural whites and blacks moved to the city of Birmingham to work in new industrial jobs.
The new law has also opened the door to rural whites for whom the Austin campus was once an impossible dream.
At the beginning of the century, rural whites from Appalachia were known as hillbillies, and their music soon came to be called hillbilly music.
It's a big outfit that sells a lot of cheap insurance to rural whites and blacks.
Unlike the town-dwellers, rural whites faced danger and many were killed but in 1979 there were still 6,000 white farmers.
Turnout among rural whites, on whom Mr. Easley had been counting, was low.
The term is used broadly to degrade working class and rural whites that are perceived by urban progressives to be insufficiently liberal.
But the rural whites turned out anyway, while blacks didn't.
He told them the two groups overrepresented in Vietnam were blacks and rural whites.
What does an "honour-focussed belief system" for rural whites mean?