And as he swallowed, he could feel nourishment rushing eagerly into him.
He sprang up and rushed for me eagerly, saying: "Oh, it's worth a billion milrays to look upon a live person again!"
No wonder the net rushed eagerly to the trawl deck.
Survivors are left with the apology of the company officials and rescuers who eagerly rushed the false word forth.
But the only way to get an answer is to die the Hunter's Death, and no one rushes eagerly into that.
To Cleo, the darkness seemed to rush eagerly upon them, avid to destroy their security.
Dr. Smithies eagerly rushes to his lab each morning, seven days a week.
It was a depressing thought, actually-his yearmates, students, teachers, people he knew, rushing eagerly into the worst danger.
The sword rushed eagerly, pulling her hand with it.
"If all the Moonwood came forth to avenge their dead, I would rush to that battle eagerly."