Hours went by and the ship rushed eastward before the gale, with Cugel a barely animate hulk at the wheel.
It was seen early in the morning, rushing over Winchester eastward, a line of flame high in the atmosphere.
All three rushed eastward on intersecting courses.
Headline articles publicized patriotic demonstrations of Greeks throughout America as they raised money or packed their bags to rush eastward towards waiting ships in New York harbor.
The Rabb churned below, cutting back on itself, rushing eastward through the rocks.
Frederick then rushed eastward to Silesia, where Austria had defeated the Prussian army under the Duke of Bevern.
Its azure surface glistens in the dawn sun as the train rushes eastward, hugging the coastline of the world's deepest lake, then passes a group of workmen who raise their shovels in greeting.
The clouds flew over her head faster than she, rushing eastward; yet into her face the rising wind blew, stronger and stronger, picking up the sand as it rose, in long streamers and trails.
They were, it seemed to me, clouds of war, shadows of the great evil rushing eastward to feed and strengthen the darkness already rampant there.
Later marine rangers would remember that the bottlenoses Bessie, Lottie, and Maximilian had urgently tried to explain to their human friends why the indigenous marine life was rushing eastward to a food source.