The author and her husband built a large, rustic home nearby, which they called "Limberlost" and where they lived until 1913.
The whole plan and conception of human society is based on the rustic home and the needs and characteristics of the agricultural family.
One expects fireworks when she enters the rustic home of Muthu.
His rustic home is spick and span.
They constructed a rustic home and began to work as an independent farming family, obtaining the "squatter's rights" of anoher.
Ellen is a catch who cleans and isn't put off by the lack of amenities, like a bathroom, at Olof's rustic home.
The choice of these adjoining and elegantly rustic privately owned homes directly affects one's budget.
It is a rural area of scrub pines and rustic homes.
Nearby is the rustic home of a schoolteacher named Samuel Leffer, a building from about the same period.
The project has grown so large, he built a 30-foot-square building behind his rustic home to store and pack the toys.