If we used a typical southern Italian rustic village, it would look pretty.
She followed his thought out of the forest and to a rustic village.
A collection of rustic villages, each ruled by a local council.
Explore rustic Italian villages and cool off with a dip in the Mediterranean.
Explore rustic Italian villages, cool off in the warm coastal waters and be sure to make the most of the fresh local produce.
These proud warriors now demolish cities and protect rustic villages with equal fervor.
Farther uphill, a slightly more rustic village, San Joaquin, is in the works.
On a wall hung the lone adornment: a photo ripped from a magazine depicting a rustic village, perhaps European.
I'd grow edgy after slowly walking through my third rustic village.
The movie is a love story, with the majority of the story taking place in a rustic village of India.