There were eight or nine of them, Henry thought, nothing but four posts each, with pieces of rusty corrugated tin on top for roofs.
Then the fallen sheet of rusty tin began to heave itself up and down, as if it were breathing.
There were a few seashells and a rusty tin that had once held British cigarettes, but that was all.
Found materials (seed pods, rusty tins) were in artworks and installations.
The old Chinaman dips river water into a rusty tin can, washes down a yen pox hard and black as a cinder.
In five minutes, a princely dish was ready to eat, along with packets of saltines that the guide kept in a rusty tin can.
Arthur propped himself up, stuck his arm under the truck, and pulled out a rusty tin can.
Susan reached out and touched the rusty tin of Mrs. Beech's mailbox, as if to steady herself in the world.
At the back a rusty potbellied stove squatted on a square of rusty tin.
Large, empty, rusty tin is the stove and the heating.