She had always been aware of his almost ruthless attitude to the outside world, but with her and the girls he had always been different.
He deplored Bradman's ruthless attitude towards annihilating the opposition and sometimes refused to try when Australia was in an unassailable position.
She has a new, ruthless attitude toward the objects she has let friends and relatives keep in her extra closet.
At home in the Federation universe, Spock reports he found the ruthless attitude of the Mirror landing party refreshing, calling their evil counterparts "the very flower of humanity".
A fact which may have saved my life, in view of Barrayar's traditional ruthless attitude toward mutations.
It is an attitude both advanced and limited, generous and ruthless.
Schmitt was known for his ruthless attitude towards the prisoners.
Cammie claims she got her ruthless attitude from her father but it may be a front to protect herself from getting hurt.
Achilles shares his namesake's cunning mind and ruthless attitude.
During his time at St Patrick's, O'Reilly developed his ruthless and parsimonious attitude towards bowling.