From what he knew of Klingons, they were brutal and ruthless fighters who advanced quickly in battle by using overwhelming force.
Dommer had been one of the more ruthless fighters against the Vietminh, and was passionately hated by them.
General Kiyomasa was known as a ferocious and ruthless fighter, a true warrior.
He's quite a clever fellow, and a ruthless fighter.
We saw what they were willing to do to Omicron; they're aggressive, ruthless fighters convinced that force is everything.
Gelayev was commonly viewed as an abrek and a well-respected, ruthless fighter.
A cold ruthless fighter but the journalist was not familiar with the forces of darkness.
He was also a cold, ruthless and effective fighter who would do anything to win.
He had a reputation among the Goths as a ruthless and powerful fighter.
He was a fearless and ruthless fighter.