Despite her pleasant appearance, she was actually a ruthless person.
However, Stark was, in Loni's view, not a ruthless person with his money.
She is a shallow person, wilful, ruthless and passionate, and what in modern terms would be described as a neurotic.
She is a very ruthless person, not the least bit unwilling to inflict great pain on others.
You're a dreadful cold-blooded, ruthless person, but I had to find you tonight.
They need a ruthless person to deliver it.
"My mother was a wonderful, handsome woman," he tells me, "but a fairly ruthless person."
"The ultimate winner in a revolution would be a vicious, ruthless person," he wrote in another.
In other words, Emily Crane was an extremely dangerous and ruthless person.
I seem to remember you telling me - more than once - that I was the most ruthless person you had ever met.