Johnson was a ruthless politician who was willing to destroy other people and steal an election to get what he wanted.
It was his posthumous misfortune, and perhaps his shame, to be appropriated by ruthless politicians in the service of literally murderous conformity.
The Mundanes have excellent educational facilities and a broader world view, and they are ruthless politicians.
Behind the flashing teeth and eyes was a very ruthless politician.
These officials included Legate Rugal, a ruthless politician not above assassinating a Bajoran or two to clear his way.
He is known for his diplomatic skill and his charm, but is considered a shrewd, even ruthless politician.
He is a ruthless politician, who will not countenance anyone standing in his way.
Blair is a brilliant, ruthless politician (albeit with an authoritarian streak) but vacuous in his rhetoric and ideas.
Makiem is run by some clever and ruthless politicians and is a nontech hex, as we are.
Yes, the needs of children are frequently sacrificed to the power cravings of ruthless politicians and mindless bureaucrats.