Kane's career in the publishing world is born of idealistic social service, but gradually evolves into a ruthless pursuit of power.
Hollywood no longer depicts reporters in ruthless pursuit of criminals, high and low.
Northern Irishman's playfulness has won over even die-hard Americans in his ruthless pursuit of major.
The ruthless pursuit of dollars in the colonies exacerbated political tensions, and probably hastened the rise of African nationalism.
The only consistent thing about Apple since the return of Steve Jobs was a ruthless pursuit of profit over marketshare.
Big business, in its ruthless pursuit of results, has the ultimate responsibility for the ills that confront us in political, social, and commercial life.
However, Rasputin's ruthless pursuit of wealth and prestige, and increasing control over the royal household attracts opposition.
After the Zulu attacks on the British position were beaten off, he led a ruthless pursuit by the mounted troops of the fleeing Zulus.
The values alleged so far in this scandal - greed, hypocrisy, favor-selling, dissembling - belong to no creed except the ruthless pursuit of power.
Capitalism is not civilization or humanism, but the crude and ruthless pursuit of profit.