He therefore continued to ruthlessly eliminate members of the Lý royal family.
"And it ruthlessly eliminates those who violate its terms."
Maynard, alone, could have turned the tide, and he had been ruthlessly eliminated at the eleventh hour.
Saddam Hussein's police state ruthlessly eliminates anyone who dares to dissent.
The subsequent emperors ruthlessly eliminated powerful men and potential successors.
If she'd endangered his relationship with his wife, Deedra would have to be ruthlessly eliminated.
In the Arab world those who seek power achieve it by plotting secretly and ruthlessly eliminating their rivals.
Despite all the skills and precautions of the planners, there must have been biological accidents, ruthlessly eliminated by the overriding program.
The lion-headed ants had beaten out good highways throughout, and ruthlessly eliminated all hazards in their way.
Yoritomo knew that if the rumour proved to be true, then those involved would have to be ruthlessly eliminated.