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And it would have been helped by a less threadbare look.
Spring was finally taking hold of this threadbare old city, and anything seemed possible.
Plan as they would, the days passed and hope grew threadbare.
He his hands on either side of the threadbare coat, key?
"How did he get in here with such a threadbare lie?"
The words sounded threadbare, he'd said them so often in the past two hours.
Talk about getting something had become even too threadbare and ridiculous for him.
I had four, all of Indian silk, and three were now threadbare.
Is that Christmas tree beginning to look a bit threadbare already?
The man's clothes were threadbare, but they had once been elegant.
The Democrats, however, are not simply threadbare of ideas; they seem to like it that way.
Worse, the company is looking a little threadbare on the talent front further down the line.
But the threadbare women's draw was hit with another scrape today.
I saw a threadbare reading chair, a coffee table, and that was about it.
But their speech would seem so threadbare, written down in cold blood, that I must not put it here.
Originally dead black, it looked gray and threadbare from much use.
It is just as manipulative, and pretty threadbare in its own right.
The rug was pretty threadbare to start with but it's still being pulled out from under their feet.
It has more on its mind than exploring a threadbare metaphor.
That's a familiar excuse, and in this case a threadbare one.
The old structure may be threadbare- but I don't care.
Two men to her left, hunched over a threadbare pool table, looked up from their game.
You do not yet know me, save as the threadbare bard.
Actually, this has been getting threadbare for a while.
Still, hope is strong that these schools can reverse a long cycle of threadbare results.