The third instance of saber teeth is from order Creodonta.
The saber teeth lifted, dropped, spiking into the vertebrae of the neck, seeking some critical nerve or vessel.
The mercury-containing pendants can come in various shapes such as hearts, bottles, balls, saber teeth, and chili peppers.
And her two saber teeth swept down from her mouth, stained by something dark and crusted.
She was opening her gaping mouth and raising her down-pointing saber teeth.
Its mouth could open to an angle of 90 degrees, allowing the creature to properly use its saber teeth.
With fire and hands, sticks and stones, hunting in packs, he could live anywhere and face down even the saber tooth.
The bear sought to embrace Blade, to crush the man, and at the same time to bury the saber teeth in his flesh.
"I think the saber tooth is going to give up on her," Hope announced, the Tigon standing there, swishing its tail, watching.
Those two saber teeth grew from ten inches to ten feet as the beast rocketed in.