She has many sacred wells about the country, that give healing, especially to the eyes, even to curing blindness.
It has been conjectured that this may be a Holy well since sacred wells were often associated with yews.
Bonnie wanted no further elaboration on the subject of sacred wells and sacrifices.
The same phenomenon occurs for sacred wells and other cultic places, some were abandoned, others remained in use up to the Iron Age.
Highly saturated salt water comes from the ground in several sacred wells.
Religion expressed itself around sacred wells, often in association to the megalithic nuraghe, most of them of Beaker signature.
Similarly every temple has sacred wells and tanks, and water in these resources are considered pure.
Most of the heroes of Genesis met their wives at sacred wells or springs.
They named the clans and all the animals, and made sacred wells from yam sticks.
One of the many sacred wells in Britain dedicated to St Helena is located nearby.