He is also related to the sacred aspect of sovereignty.
Direction derived from these sources is a Sikh's ultimate norm in shaping the course of his life, both in its sacred and secular aspects.
In the north of Iran this tree has a sacred aspect.
Because of this sacred aspect, several cities - all of which are generally referred to as "Luoyang" - have been built in this area.
This space embodied the countryside's sacred aspects, as a space by which urbanity (city) is severed from the world of nature.
The Sovereign's attendance, his being the Creator's deputy in the world of life, only consecrated the sacred aspects of the feast.
By this account, depression is more than a disease - it has a sacred aspect.
For the past 17 years it has mounted a holiday festival that combines the secular and sacred aspects of the season.
It is an annual ritual, one of many across the metropolitan region yesterday, that blends the secular and the sacred aspects of Easter.
As such, there is a sacred aspect to the relationship between even secular buildings and the space they occupy.