"It should remain a timeless and sacred document."
Although the Constitution is almost a sacred document here, Mexicans are not reluctant to fiddle with it.
Mistress Mundy, it is a sacred document.
Our Constitution, that sacred document, is a covenant, a contract between the government and those who are governed.
And all it takes is this one little amendment to that sacred American document we all love.
It also demonstrates respect for the Charter, an almost sacred document in municipal quarters that is not meant to be tinkered with at every political whim.
Wen held the sheet of paper in the flame of his lantern, and set the sacred document on fire.
To deny women their own sexuality: destruction of sexuality displayed throughout history in sacred documents.
The apocryphal epistle is generally considered a transparent attempt to supply this supposed lost sacred document.
I do not believe we should tamper with this sacred document.