Brick, stupefied by violence done that sacred instrument of civilization, stood rooted to the spot.
Then again, the Yanks name even their own planes after women, and paint naked ladies on their sacred instruments of war!
Initially, the oil-paper umbrella was a sacred instrument in Buddhist ceremony.
The sistrum was a sacred instrument in ancient Egypt.
It is at this ceremony that the sacred instruments, which the women must not see, are played.
The thyrsus was a sacred instrument at religious rituals and fêtes.
Hale pahu, the house of the sacred hula instruments.
The drum is considered one of the most sacred instruments to the Lakota people and is also used while trying to summon the spirits.
The Valia paani maram is a sacred instrument used only for rites in temples.
Light fell on the blood-smeared blade that had once been a sacred instrument.