Young rushed through completion of the Nauvoo Temple and administered sacred ordinances to nearly 6,000 members.
She must see to it that Sadie finished instructional classes for baptism and obeyed the Lord in that most sacred ordinance come September.
We have watched the monsters in this place, have kept ourselves separated from them, have kept your sacred ordinances to research and record everything that the monsters do.
Is it necessary for sisters to be set apart to officiate in the sacred ordinances of washing, anointing, and laying on of hands in administering to the sick?
It trifles with a sacred ordinance, and the language and style, instead of improving the taste, has a direct tendency to lower it.
The LDS Church has a number of sacred ordinances and rituals that are performed for the dead.
In this room "is solemnized the sacred ordinance of marriage between the parties who come to plight their vows of marital fidelity for time and eternity" (Talmage, 208-209).
It was publicly announced by the church in 1852, and the plural marriage ceremony (as conducted by an authorized priesthood leader) was viewed as a sacred, eternal ordinance.
It was publicly announced by the Church in 1852, and the marriage ceremony was believed to be a sacred, eternal ordinance.
Moving to Laie gave the Hawaiians the ability to be closer to the new temple and allowed them to perform sacred ordinances without having to travel great distances.