He composed 86 highly successful secular works and 119 sacred pieces.
In some of his sacred pieces, he is particularly successful, combining real poetry with genuine religious fervour.
She composed for voice, sacred pieces and a zarzuela Simila similibus.
His most popular works are his sacred choral pieces written for the Orthodox Church.
Most of his output was for vocal forces, including stage works, oratorios, masses and other sacred pieces.
Visitors should be aware of this and respect their culture by not attempting to purchase sacred or ceremonial pieces.
Still, our humanity all but requires us to think big thoughts about the present and future when confronted with a sacred piece of the past.
Many historians believe that the choice of gold was to distinguish the more "sacred" or "holy" pieces from others.
The choir performs both sacred and secular pieces that correspond with the chosen message.
He was also a composer of some accomplishment, specializing in songs and sacred pieces.