They were never used as sacred writ, but as teaching stories for the Aurian children.
As you note, the Iraq Study Group report is not sacred writ.
For, as the Senate prepared to vote, a stake-in-the-heart ending of the thing was at hand by all the Constitution's sacred writ and the public's smoldering indifference.
Oh, there's room here to exercise the sacred writ of hospitality, but for ourselves, we ask only a corner and a crumb.
A 2% inflation rate is not sacred writ.
"It is sacred writ that every incredibly beautiful girl is attached to a fat and/or ugly one."
It is sacred writ that the holy force can only flow when the road is complete, and when the road of flow is broken no force shall move.
Music is treated with the deference reserved for sacred writ rather than used as a basis for the personal expression of the artist as co-creator.
In God's image, according to your own sacred writ.
The Sept. 11 commission report was not sacred writ.