His sacrificial death (shedding of blood) was necessary to atone for the condemned nature he had like all mankind.
He appears as a central character in Jose's novel, and his ideals give purpose to Istak's sacrificial death.
The series ended with his seemingly sacrificial death.
That is what happens to the novel's protagonist Michael who meets his "sacrificial death" on 29 January 1921.
Jesus is asking his disciples to take part in his sacrificial death.
IN our time, too, the cult of sacrificial death has been ecumenical.
If he is but a man, his sacrificial death was only human and we who believe in him would be lost.
He theorized that Jesus' sacrificial death occurred in order for the Father to forgive while still maintaining his just rule over the universe.
The Lamb of God is in allusion to Christ's sacrificial death to save humanity.
He just wondered if the contingency plan, whatever it was, did not involve sacrificial deaths.