(3) In the sacrificial system, it points to the Gospel of salvation through a mediator.
Anyone who altered the sacrificial system assumed a prerogative belonging to God alone.
The sacrificial system doesn't really form the foundation of our contemporary worship patterns.
Copulation in a monogynous male is a sacrificial system.
It is a theme that still means a great deal to modern people even though we have lost the background of a sacrificial system.
On the other hand the sacrificial system did demand a right inward attitude.
Descendants of the Levitical Priesthood will learn the sacrificial system.
The sacrificial system is not the primary object, rather supplications, and prayer.
It was at this time that first attempts to reform the calendar and the sacrificial system appear to have been systematically made.
The destruction of temple by the Romans in 70 brought an end to the Jewish sacrificial system.