Attend to the example of your forbear, whose sacrificial vessels stand on the altar of Heaven.
But - here is the point - the hermits (for there were already more than one) had foreseen the danger and carefully concealed the sacrificial vessels.
As to such matters as attending to the sacrificial vessels, there are the proper officers for them.
Each in own heart wears his altar and sacrificial vessel.
It was described as a traditional Chinese sacrificial vessel symbolizing unity.
In China, the greatest part of discovered and preserved bronze items was not forged to ploughs or swords but cast to sacrificial vessels.
The ritual books of old China minutely describe who was allowed to use what kinds of sacrificial vessels and how much.
The most highly prized are generally the sacrificial and wine vessels, which form the majority of most collections.
Later became a generic name for all sacrificial vessels.
Offerings such as a bull head and sacrificial vessels were found below the paving of the temple.