Young Hugues sat some distance away, playing a sad, sweet tune on his flute.
As Bond neared the end of the corridor he could hear a piano swinging a rather sad tune.
A shepherd plays a sad tune on his pipes and asks if Tristan is awake.
She's playing a sad little tune on it.
Something about the jumbled, meaningless words and the sad tune kept going round in Sunflash's mind.
His songs are usually sad tunes, often talking about the inevitability of death.
She was picking out a slow, soft, sad tune that might indeed have been an echo of Beethoven.
According to one tale, Salamuri's sad tunes could even make the grass cry.
The children blew a still sadder tune on their bird whistles.
The lone maple in front was dead, with brown leaves on it from the year before scraping a sad tune in the breeze.