Just because Stevenson hired him doesn't mean he's killed before His sadistic impulses came out when he started the job.
As the child of a drunkard father and a hysterical over-possessive mother he suffered all his life from sadistic impulses, guilt, and irrational fears.
The element of cruelty in sadism - and in masochism, where the ego is taken as the object of the sadistic impulses - is difficult to account for.
These cruel and sadistic impulses were thought, at this point in the theory, to derive from the active, male element of dominating another in the act of sexual intercourse.
His books are often first person narratives, taking on the point of view of the sexual predator in order to explore sadistic and pedophilic sexual impulses.
Television, itself a constant passive-oral indulgence, stimulates and satisfies sadistic fantasies; at the same time it blunts responsiveness to one's sadistic impulses.
I think they needed normal people who would be in complete control of themselves, who wouldn't get carried away by any sadistic impulses.
In a big town one must indulge in group activities if one wants an outlet for one's physical strength or for one's sadistic impulses.
Professor Rose asks Iris to help him translate a book, a creepy German novel about a boy with sadistic impulses.