What technocratic mentality can really grasp the sadistic monster who was pulled out of the spider hole a few weeks ago?
Nezugaira suffered a split personality: he was both a gentle creature and a sadistic monster.
"She's a sadistic monster, and she's over a thousand years old."
"She's a vicious, sadistic little monster," Jenny said.
Had he always been a sadistic monster, Felix wondered, or had that transformation only come recently, with the mark of Chaos?
One man against three towering sadistic genetic monsters.
They're sadistic monsters who enjoy nothing so much as watching peoplesuffer .
He sees his disfigurement as an opportunity to give up his old life and become a sadistic monster permanently.
Nine-year-old Billy is a sadistic monster bearing a marked resemblance to the bizarre cartoon character Beetlejuice.
Dammit, he would not let this sadistic little monster confuse him or disorient him.