The two main characters go through a series of humiliating acts conducted by a guard and a captain who seems to have strong sadistic tendencies.
Their violent, sadistic tendencies, rooted in childhood trauma, are demonstrated throughout their lives.
Uday's increasingly violent, sadistic tendencies are displayed when he kidnaps a 14-year-old school girl and forces her to escort him to a party.
Often wears a cap and has sadistic tendencies.
She had read nothing in the tapes to suggest that Starrex had sadistic or perverted tendencies.
Whatever had initially motivated the mess officer (and it could have been, in fairness, an innocent ploy), sadistic tendencies soon revealed themselves.
Late broccoli in a hot sauce with overt sadistic tendencies.
A police officer was reported as saying, "Only a sick person could do something like this, a sick person with sadistic tendencies."
Both characters display sadistic tendencies, in that they are equally likely to take pleasure in tormenting each other.
And he attributes to him manipulative, sadistic tendencies that led him to play off friends, and particularly women, against one another.