All of which left the focus squarely on the musical performance, and on Friday it was sadly inadequate.
In truth, both sample size and make-up in these pre-election polls were sadly inadequate.
But around the country most black childreon still get a sadly inadequate education.
The draft's discussion of refugees, who face discrimination worldwide, is sadly inadequate.
His belly anticipated almost to the minute the times the guards fed him his nasty, sadly inadequate bowls of gruel.
Yet the international tribunals set up for these atrocities have been painfully slow, frightfully expensive and sadly inadequate.
The words rotten to the core are sadly inadequate.
And trout have supposedly become more educated, thus recognizing how sadly inadequate many of the galumphing size 16's are.
It was no longer food she dispensed, but medicine and first aid, sadly inadequate.
Quality was allowed to give parcels individually, and did what she could, but it was sadly inadequate.