She sadly notes there have been few who wish to work for the welfare of beings in a female form, though.
We sadly note the passing of a great friend of the Barkin Family and a long time partner.
Pointing to the front of the house, he noted sadly that his grandmother's porch swing was only a memory now.
"When all was said and done," the author notes sadly, "white Southerners were more willing to stand against racial justice than for it."
Seven watched their reactions, sadly noting that most of them seemed fearful.
"The vulnerability of the human body becomes very apparent," he noted sadly.
Wizard," Jack said, working away at his own beer, though noting sadly that it was already two-thirds gone.
"Nothing appeared rich but the churches, nobody fat but the clergy," he noted sadly.
"Nothing can be done with him," Hassell noted sadly in his diary.
At the end of the book, Boygur sadly notes that "things went their own way."