The whole thing, with its none-too-subtle sadomasochistic sex, French modishness and documentary horror, left a bad taste.
The police also found items associated with sadomasochistic sex.
He told them of another homeless man in the area, with whom he frequently used crack cocaine, who seemed fixated on sadomasochistic sex.
She also takes pleasure in the sadomasochistic sex she has with her adult partner.
The bias seems staggering, against consensual sadomasochistic sex, (especially between men?)
Fetishists in the vampire community use blood as a fetish or stimulant in sadomasochistic sex.
Within the context of sexual power-exchange (D/s) relationships, male submission may take a number of other forms, including sadomasochistic sex.
They both had an insatiable appetite for sadomasochistic sex and sexual violence.
According to the complaint Jetton met the woman, with whom he had not had a relationship before, to have sadomasochistic sex.
He specialized in blending history with sadomasochistic sex and gratuitous violence.