As he recalled, there were places not too far ahead that offered safe footing, one in particular that might serve him.
They have already repaid a lot of debt and the business is on a safe footing going forward.
Though the light they emitted was now no more than a small and flickering fire, it was enough to show me safe footing.
Once she was on safe footing, his protective arm released her.
Blade kept on until the neck narrowed too much to give him safe footing.
The horses shifted a little under their riders, finding safer footing.
We could get not safe footing upon it, and my clinometer indicated an angle of 48 or 49 degrees.
A safe footing had to be created for dressage, jumping, and 4-in-hand driving.
For the Kremlin, finding a safe footing in this quagmire has been a nightmare.
As she spoke, I felt for the measure of her words, sensing her desire to keep our conversation on safe footing.