Spinosad is an environmentally safe pesticide but is not stable in water and so therefore cannot be used to control mosquito larvae.
Others seemed more worried about the potential effects of the insecticide, resmethrin, which officials said ranks among the safest pesticides used against mosquitoes.
He said the synthetic form was less toxic and considered by experts to be one of the safest pesticides available for mosquito control.
At the same time, safer pesticides should be more readily approved, theoretically improving the quality, availability and price of food.
Chemical companies were not seeking approval for newer, possibly safer pesticides that still carried a small cancer risk.
We effectively penalize United States farmers for using safe pesticides and obeying the law.
Therefore, using less and safer pesticides is in the interests of almost everyone.
Our farmers will have to pay more for safer pesticides.
Let us assume that my potatoes are a pesticide - a very safe pesticide.
We use dishwashing soap as a safe pesticide on all our household plants.