They were rescued, fed, examined in a "personal manner" and guided safely back to their ship.
Despite severe injuries, Halberstadt guided the plane down safely and he received the Distinguished Flying Cross medal for heroism in aerial combat.
General game concepts have been included in the open source Pingus, where the player is required to safely guide penguins across landscapes using a similar array of tools.
The very first Navigator, Norma pioneers the use of melange to develop the prescience necessary to safely guide a spaceship through foldspace.
Sariputra safely guided his herd back to the hills, while his foolish brother Devadatta loses his whole herd.
The trailer and system was nicknamed "Elvira" for its ability to safely guide the airplane through the darkness of their night missions.
Bluish green tread lighting embedded into the steps would safely guide them.
The world may rest easily knowing that the White Tower will safely guide the Dragon Reborn to the Last Battle and the inevitable triumph.
Only scrupulous honesty with yourself and others can safely guide you.
After being trained to guide safely the dogs are transferred to a guide dog mobility instructor, who continues the training in increasingly complex environments.