Although we strive to complete major investigations as quickly as possible, finding and correcting safety deficiencies continues every day.
The aviation agency did not reveal details about the safety deficiencies that had prompted it to ban the nine airlines.
The reasons for this decision were safety deficiencies, as well as poor transparency of the airline's operations.
However, investigators quickly identified the many safety deficiencies at St. Anthony's Hospital.
On deeper investigation, a number of serious health and safety deficiencies were found which led to an internal improvement notice being issued.
It is ready to support the Philippines to overcome serious safety deficiencies.
It found very few safety deficiencies, and complimented the airline on its internal evaluation system.
If you can identify with several of these questions, you may have some safety deficiencies in your life.
However, occupancy was delayed until July 1981 because of safety deficiencies and changes in design.
THE meatpacking companies acknowledge safety deficiencies in their plants.