Gather them in their safety groups and put one older child or one adult with each group.
The safety group based its estimate on news articles and interviews with business executives, labor groups, and Government officials.
An agency spokesman said its investigators would probably use their findings to make recommendations to fire safety groups for improvements in building codes.
There is, however, concern from safety groups that these schemes will prove to be detrimental to learning to drive.
Government officials had also turned down repeated requests from insurers and safety groups for more rigorous training for new drivers.
The insurance industry and safety groups provided studies showing a high percentage of accidents were caused by tired truck drivers.
This trend, which is industrywide, has been a source of great concern from many independent environmental and safety groups.
The new requirements, if they ultimately take effect, would touch on several areas that have been vigorously debated by the auto industry and public safety groups.
Public Citizen and the other safety groups filed suit, saying the new rule, in all its detail, actually increased driving hours per week by 30 percent.
It is not a wider forum but they can cooperate in this specific safety group.