Since 2004 the United States government has reportedly been concerned about the safety of Pakistani nuclear facilities and weapons.
Claims for the relative safety of such weapons are usually contingent on their being used "properly".
We reminded Mr. Richardson that there are a number of activities to maintain the safety of nuclear weapons.
Have the Government not in effect acknowledged the findings of the Drell panel report on the safety of nuclear weapons by setting up their own review?
After that the legislation allows up to 12 tests for the "safety" of nuclear weapons and 3 for their "reliability."
Nonetheless, Pentagon officials insist that testing is needed to insure the safety and reliability of old weapons and to develop new ones.
The Pentagon would also seek technical cooperation with the Soviets on the safety and security of nuclear weapons - a key concern since the failed coup.
From then until September 1996 the law allows 12 underground explosions to test the safety of nuclear weapons and 3 to test their reliability.
It consists of a board of munitions experts, whose purpose was to advise the Army Council on the safety and approval of weapons.
Word was passed along; the safeties of weapons were thumbed off.