"Nevertheless, Kennedy did not provide direct safety oversight of U.S.A.'s ground operations" but instead used surveillance and audits, the report said.
Not at all, the department has its own safety oversight and besides, its engineers are on the safety lookout 24/7.
Flight operations - carrying out safety oversight of commercial operators.
It is also responsible for the safety certification and continuous safety oversight of most forms of commercial operations.
In 1995, the agency assumed responsibility for safety oversight of commercial space transportation, a function begun eleven years before by an office within DOT headquarters.
It also complains that the Energy Department's "safety oversight of the production reactors is ingrown and largely outside the scrutiny of the public."
Priorities and requirements for safety oversight and audit by Works Technical are not well defined.
The division leadership chairs several multi-agency boards performing safety oversight for all nuclear, conventional and DE (laser and radio-frequency) weapons.
VX-23 provides aircraft, pilots, maintenance services, safety oversights and facility support for these operations.
But he said the industry would support safety oversight, although not by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which, he said, lacks expertise.