Recent Israeli-Palestinian violence has spilled over into safety worries here, though Turkey has remained calm.
If Mr. DeBonis and his wife had any safety worries, Mr. Napolitano said, they centered on their daughter and her hectic flight schedule.
Because of safety worries there are plans to replace them.
A caption in Science Times yesterday, with a chart about safety worries in food, described the potential dangers of shellfish incorrectly.
Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota said that the states could resolve any safety worries by identifying Canadian pharmacies that can be trusted to provide safe products.
But it did not seem to knock any commuters off their regular routines, much less cause any real nervousness or safety worries.
Along Chicago's Magnificent Mile yesterday, Mike Crandall, 41, was giving no ground to safety worries.
It also announced an advisory panel to improve the way that it announces safety worries.
High thermal and mechanical loads bring about operational safety worries which are dealt with through many branches of applied engineering science.
The agency also announced the creation of an advisory panel to improve the way it announces safety worries and a collaboration with the Veterans Health Administration to track how real patients fare after taking drugs.