He was also mocked for being wild about saffron, but it turns out that he loves saffron monks' robes and saffron cake with raisins.
The ceremony included a speech by the Cornish Association's Ron Daw, and Trelawny was played while participants "partied on saffron cake and clotted cream".
Larger versions of the saffron bun baked in a loaf tin are known as saffron cake.
Soon she was back again and they were drinking tea and eating saffron cake.
I always bake of a Wednesday, just like my mother used to - two saffron cakes and a tray of buns they last us nicely through the week.
We of the house handed round the spiced ale and punch, the saffron cake, potato cake, pasties and gingerbread, as Menfreya had been doing for generations.
For tea, there would be splits with jam and cream, yeast cake, saffron cake and often fruit again.
Swanky beer and saffron cake were very popular in the past and have been revitalised by Kernewek Lowender and the Cornish Associations.
The museum shop, in the rowhouse, sells books, English handicrafts, saffron cake, teas, biscuits and preserves.
Perhaps not to you of the royalty, who nibble at will upon saffron cakes and tripes in honey!