And, sure enough, in the distance the long sails of a mill appeared, apparently about three miles off.
A sail appeared two points north on the eastern "Qrizon.
To-morrow, then, unless land or a sail appear, the horrible sacrifice will be accomplished.
Then, one morning, a sail appeared on the horizon, coming from the northwest.
Once more the peculiar sail appeared and filled with the unfelt wind.
As he was engaged in the search, four sails appeared to the north.
On 28 August, a sail appeared to the south.
In truth, although there is magic in the name of the boat, the sail doesn't appear to have that singular quality.
Through the open arches that led to the balcony and showed such a magnificent sea-scape, he had seen a sail appear.
On the morning of the 22nd three sails appeared to leeward.