An hour later it was dark, India was gone and Sharpe sailed beneath the stars.
They sailed beneath the seas for many miles, and were in great peril at times.
I gave him a fifty-dollar bill, which sailed beneath his robe.
It is sailing beneath a sun in the chief.
There was a ship that had to sail beneath it, on a perfectly regular schedule.
"lewd" reference to the famous statue ("in my fantasy I sail beneath your skirt").
Hours later they had left me heated waters behind and were sailing beneath clear skies OB a calm sea.
Night fell and seemed to last forever until we sailed into a calm dawn beneath a blue sun.
By night for twelve hours in another boat he sailed through the Underworld beneath the earth, bringing his light to the lower darkness.
Making my superstitious crew mutter to themselves at sailing beneath the command of a "mad- woman" like me!